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学生s with disabilities can face unique challenges in the job and internship process. The information below should help to address some common questions and valuable resources.


为职业发展和规划腾出时间It is important to make time now to seek out experiences in college that will help you clarify your abilities and interests; build networking connections and add value to your resume.

现在建立技能: Understand how disability impacts you across academic and employment settings. 维护自己的权利能力, a well thought out plan regarding disclosure and accommodations request (if needed) are important transferable 技能 for employment that you can gain while in college. Seek out opportunities to develop 技能 through volunteerism, service, work and/or internships.

从你的优点开始: 超越你的缺陷,了解你独特的优势, 技能, and traits so that you can articulate your value to employers.

Tip: Stop by the 职业服务 office if you would like help getting started with your career planning process.


何时披露: Deciding when to dis关闭 your disability to an employer or potential employer is a personal decision that will likely vary based on your specific disability and the type of accommodations you need. You are not required to dis关闭 your disability or request accommodations before a job offer is made. Some applicants choose to dis关闭 during the interview process and others wait until after they are offered the job.


如何披露: How much information you dis关闭 to your employer is up to you. You are not required to give a specific diagnosis only that you need an adjustment due to a medical condition or disability. 然而, 记住,如果你的残疾不明显, the employer may request that you provide documentation to establish that there is a need for an accommodation as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Tip: Staff at 职业服务 can help you develop a script for disclosing your disability to employers and practice delivering your disclosure. 联系 career@bzga110.com 或致电660.562.1250.


关于法律: Qualified individuals with disabilities are protected from employment discrimination through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To be considered “qualified” you must be able to perform the “essential functions” of the job with or without accommodations.

Tip: For more information on legal issues associated with individuals with disabilities, visit the 就业介绍网 (1月).

住宿: New professionals with disabilities should carefully think through what is needed to function optimally on the job prior to the hiring process. Reflect on the accommodations you might need and research your options thoroughly before making a request. 



Workforce Recruitment Program for College 残疾学生 (联系 职业服务 欲知更多详情)

残疾人士就业指引A large assortment of information and resources for disabled individuals looking for a career.

为工作场所的听障人士和聋人提供的资源: A collection of apps and tools to aid in communication for hard-of-hearing and deaf workers.

新兴领袖实习计划: Competitive internship program that places undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities in fulfilling summer internships and provides them with leadership development opportunities.

职业介绍所网络: 就业中介网络是由美国政府提供的一项服务.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). JAN represents the most comprehensive resource for job accommodations available.

国家商务 & 残疾委员会: Great online resources for job seekers with disabilities including job and internship postings, 本地资源目录, 网络广播和更多.

AAPD实习计划: 每年, the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) hosts two Summer Internship Programs for College 残疾学生 in Washington, DC, 提供往返华盛顿的带薪旅行, 支付无障碍住房和生活津贴.

职业生涯 & Degrees in Healthcare: A Guide for 残疾学生: 了解残疾权利和信息披露, 查找关键资源, and read how the right school and employer can make a huge difference.

Learning Disorders and Law School: Strategies and 资源: A collection of information to help future or current law students with learning disorders advance in their legal education.

招聘残疾人士求职网站: Great online resource to search for jobs and post your resume for hiring employers.


西北之旅 残疾学生 webpage for information about accommodations and other services.