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加入西北航空 2009


梅尔文·D. 和凡尔克. 布斯商学院


  • Ph.D.; 内布拉斯加大学 - 林肯
  • M.B.A.; 威尼斯人在线
  • B.S. Business Management; 威尼斯人在线


  • 创业
  • 战略和决策制定和决策制定
  • 创新 & 创业
  • 战略营销(MBA)


  • 策略
  • 创业
  • 人力资源管理
  • 全球化
  • 人际关系和情绪的影响
  • 市场营销
  • 幽默 & violence in advertising/市场营销 of humorous and violent content
  • 教学方法



  • 埃尔南德斯,. & Blackford B. (2022). Engagement as antecedent of academic achievement and the moderating impact of work-family-school inter-role conflict for online graduate students, 国际管理教育杂志, 20(3).
  • Blackford B. & 施,T. (2015). The relationship between business simulations in capstone management courses and standardized test scores, 国际管理教育杂志, 13(1): 84-94.
  • Blackford B. (2014). The role of CEO statements of aggressiveness and the competitive aggressiveness of firms: Is there a relationship? 行为学杂志 & 应用管理, 15(3): 140-167.
  • Blackford B.绅士. W.哈里森,R。. L. & 卡尔森,L. (2011), The prevalence and influence of the combination of humor and violence in Super Bowl commercials, 广告杂志, 40(4): 127-138. (2011年《威尼斯人在线》最佳论文入围)
    • 转载于当前的争议:媒体中的暴力,编辑. 保罗·康纳斯,格林黑文出版社(2014).
    • Reprinted in Advertising and Violence: Concepts and Perspectives by Rifon, Ryone, and Carlson, M.E. 夏普(2014).
    • Cited as the Stat of the Day by Harvard Business Review on February 3, 2012.
  • Blackford B. & Sebora T., (2011). Collegiate post-graduation venture creation: What is the impact of entrepreneurship courses? 区域商业评论, 30: 52-77.
  • Blackford B.塞博拉,T., & whitehil顾问公司T. (2009). 高校创业教育的效果 on post-graduation startup of new ventures: A first look. 《威尼斯人在线》, 7(3): 1-26.
  • Digman L. & Blackford B. (2014). 战略管理:在全球信息时代的竞争. 第十版. 梅森:很好.


  • 纳尔逊,年代.A,王,L.史密斯,R。.M., & Blackford B.J. (2014). 年度报告中的企业形象与乐观语言. 在R.P. 哈特(Ed.), Communication and Language Analysis in the Corporate World (179-197). 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.


  • Bartik高性能计算集群(2016). ($225,000). NSF.
    Member of the team for a NSF funded grant to purchase a high-performance computing cluster for the analysis of big data
  • Development and Feasibility Analysis of the Organic Liquid Fertilizer Market for Hampton Alternative Energy Products (2015). ($40,735). 美国农业部.
    Member of the team for a 美国农业部 funded grant to provide technical assistance to Hampton Alternative Energy Products, 有限责任公司
  • MORE项目(2011). ($37,000). 美国农业部
    曾担任MORE项目的联合主任, a 美国农业部 funded grant to research the supply and demand of local meat in Northwest Missouri and Southwest Iowa


  • 哈里森,R.布莱克福德,B., & 卡尔森,L., (2019). “消费者对性幽默广告的反应”, Paper Presentation at the 2019 Association of Consumer Research Conference, 亚特兰大, GA; October 18, 2019.
  • 史密斯,R.布莱克福德,B., & 贝克,C., (2017). “大学生学业心理资本(PsyCap)”, Paper presentation at the 2017 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 芝加哥, IL; October 21, 2017. 
  • Blackford B. & 温彻斯特,K., (2012). Collective bargaining: The 2011 National Football League Labor Negotiation, Presentation at 2012 Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference, 费城, PA; May 10, 2012.
  • Blackford B. & 库姆斯克., (2011). I would miss the people I work with: Do the quantity and strength of personal relationships in the workplace influence important workplace attitudes? Presentation at 2011 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, 奥马哈, NE; October 21, 2011.
  • Blackford B. & Digman L., (2010). The role of CEO aggressive statements and the competitive aggressiveness of firms: What is the impact on performance? Presentation at 2010 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, San Diego, CA; November 22, 2010.
  • Blackford B.绅士.哈里森,R。., & 卡尔森,L., (2009). How prevalent is the combination of violence and humor in Super Bowl commercials?
  • 在消费文化研讨会上的论文报告 & the Ethical Treatment of Children Conference, Lansing, MI; November 2009.
  • Blackford B.塞博拉,T., & whitehil顾问公司T., (2008). 高校创业教育的效果, Paper presentation at United States Association for Small Business and 创业 Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX; 1月20日08.


  • Blackford B. & 史密斯,R., (2019). Everything You Wanted To Know, but Were Afraid To Ask: The Shift from PhD Student to the Classroom. Professional development workshop at the 2019 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 奥马哈, NE; October 12, 2019.
  • 史密斯,R. & Blackford B., (2019). 参与是如此容易,以至于选择可能很难! Professional development workshop at the 2019 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 奥马哈, NE; October 12, 2019.
  • Blackford B. & 史密斯,R., (2019). Considering Administrative Roles and Alternative Career Paths In Academia, Is One Right For You? Professional development workshop at the 2019 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 奥马哈, NE; October 11, 2019.
  • 史密斯,R. & Blackford B., (2019). Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask: The Shift from PhD Student to the Classroom. Professional development workshop at the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 波士顿, MA; August 9, 2019.
  • 史密斯,R. & Blackford B., (2018). Practitioners as 教授s: Sharing Their Practical and Tactical Added Value. Professional development workshop at the 2018 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO; October 13, 2018. 
  • 史密斯,R. & Blackford B., (2018). 体验式练习交流:教学影响的三重E! Professional development workshop at the 2018 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO; October 12, 2018.
  • Blackford B. & 史密斯,R., (2018). Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask: The Shift from PhD Student to the Classroom. Professional development workshop at the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 芝加哥, IL; August 11, 2018.
  • 史密斯,R.布莱克福德,B., & Juergens,年代., (2017). 与威尼斯人在线联系! 探索体验活动. Professional development workshop at the 2017 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 芝加哥, IL; October 21, 2017.
  • Matherne B. & Blackford B. (2017). 学生对管理的思考
  • 教育. Panel presentation at the 2017 Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, 亚特兰大, GA.; August 6, 2017.
  • Blackford B. (2016). 将教学实践与工作效率相匹配. Presentation at the 2016 Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, 阿纳海姆, CA; August 7, 2016.
  • Blackford B. & 麦克斯韦尔,. (2016). 小心鲨鱼:《威尼斯人在线》是一个体验式的练习. Presentation at the 2016 Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, 阿纳海姆, CA; August 7, 2016.
  • 史密斯,R.布莱克福德,B.马丁,M.尼尔森,S., & 沃尔夫,C. (2015). Swimming with the sharks – Use of ‘Shark Tank’ as an experiential exercise in the classroom. Presentation at the 2015 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, 哥伦布, OH; October 3, 2015.
  • Blackford B.布朗,L。.杰弗克,D.杰庚斯,S.劳弗,K.沙克特,T.史密斯,R。., & 沃尔夫,C. (2015). The rewards and challenges of students as small business consultants. Presentation at the 2015 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, 哥伦布, OH; October 2, 2015. 
  • 史密斯,R.布莱克福德,B.沃尔夫,C., & 沃尔特斯,. (2014). 在整个课程中开发体验式课堂. Presentation at the 2015 USASBE Annual Conference, Tampa, FL; January 25, 2015. 
  • Blackford B.史密斯,R。.M.杰弗克,D.沃尔夫,C.Schakett, T. (2014). Students as small business consultants – The rewards and challenges. Presentation at the 2015 USASBE Annual Conference, Tampa, FL; January 25, 2015.
  • Blackford B.史密斯,R。.M., & Fleig-Palmer, M. (2014). You can use experiential learning in class: A panel presentation. Presentation at the 2014 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN; October 3, 2014.
  • Blackford B. & Lim, C. L. (2014). 在顶点课程中作为应用学习练习的模拟. Presentation at the 9th Annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher 教育, 圣约瑟夫, MO; March 21, 2014.
  • Smith-Nelson R. M.尼尔森,S., & Blackford B., (2011). The junior instructor’s dilemma: Designing your course and evaluating your students for the first time. Professional development workshop at 2011 Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 休斯顿, TX; March 10, 2011.


  • Blackford B. (2017). 期刊文章的演变. 内布拉斯加大学, 林肯, NE, 1月12日, 2017, 1月20日, 2015, 1月8日, 2013, 2月8日, 2011.
  • Blackford B., (2013). MORE项目概述. 西南爱荷华联盟. 7月17日.
  • Blackford B. (2011). 鼓励组织中的创造力和创新. 威尼斯人在线, Maryville, MO, January 21, 2011.


  • 18年零售经验(15年管理经验)